BEASTLY THEORIES - is a low tech, low key, low brow endeavour, hosted by author of Beasts of Britain & Beasts of the World book series - Andy McGrath, as an attempt to discuss the highs and lows of paranormal research and obsession. Although ’podcast’ in name, the ’show’ is more of an exercise in nepotism, as Andy seeks conversation with those embroiled in the subject he is chiefly interested in, and determines to avail himself (and you) of the prize of knowledge that lies inside their brawny brains.
Sunday May 07, 2023
Beastly Theories (Ep. 85) Iberian Wodewose - with Rui Caratao
Sunday May 07, 2023
Sunday May 07, 2023
Join me as I chat with Portuguese Wildman Researcher and You Tuber, Rui Caratao, to discuss his investigations into sasquatch phenomena in South West Europe.
Rui, shares his strange experiences as a wildlife and forestry conservation officer travelling throughout Portugal and Spain, as well as the continuity between wildman signs and behaviour reported worldwide that he has also observed in his own region.
Later, we discuss his recent trip to the Basque Region of Spain, where a local folk legend named the Basa-Juan (forest man) has come to life in recent years, with several eyewitnesses reporting a large, bipedal, man-like creature that is covered in long, reddish/dark brown hair, that hangs down to its knees, and that is reputed to live in caves, deep in the woods of Navarre.
Rui, who describes himself as: "Just a normal guy trying to get some answers about wildman phenomena in Europe." Says that he believes that these now folkloric creatures of our yesterday do still inhabit our ancient forests, and that he has even heard howls and calls in these wild areas that he has not been able to identify and that he feels that the wildman represents a call from nature itself., saying: "The magic that forest people bring to our lives, gives back our ability to daydream, and believe again that the world its much more than the sick society based on fear and war that we are living in..."
If you would like to contact Rui to discuss his research or share your experiences, please email:
Or check out:
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Beastly Theories (Ep. 84) Drums Along the Congo - with Rory Nugent
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Rory Nugent is a writer and an explorer. His work covers war and dying traditions/cultures as well as cryptozoology. His articles have appeared in newspapers and magazines around the world and his three books: Down at the Docks; Drums along the Congo; and, The Search for the Pink-Headed Duck; are internationally acclaimed and respected.
Originally a seaman, he was the youngest entrant in the 1976 observer single-handed trans-Atlantic race, and went on to make 4 solo ocean crossings; his fifth in 1980, ended in shipwreck and five days adrift at sea.
Seeking a somewhat quieter life Rory took to field research and set out to document some of nature's wonders while they still existed. He mounted a one-man expedition in search of India’s missing jewel, the pink-headed duck, and afterward, set off alone to find a living dinosaur (mokele-mbembe) that is said to inhabit the swampy forests of the Likouala Basin in the Congo; which is where we pick up the story...
We discover what initially attracted him to the legend of Mokele-Mbembe and how he prepared for a one-man expedition into uncharted territory... The contrast between his expectations of the region and what he experienced on location; the endemic low-level corruption and poor administration that hindered his expedition and whether this was simply an in-built feature of the local culture or a form of 'special treatment' reserved for outsiders!
Nugent describes his difficulty in finding first-hand witnesses of this intrepid beast, as well as the generalized knowledge of Mokele Mbembe tourism that exists within the general population, and the obvious dollar value such exploration represents to this largely rural population.
Later, we discuss the socialist government that was in place at the time of his visit in the 1980s, and his being assigned a guide by local officials (who suspected that he might have been an American spy or an oil contractor trying to identify new energy resources) to 'watch over him.'
Rory weighs in on the identity of Mokele-Mbembe and whether the dinosaurian interpretation of this legend is a hopeful attempt by Young Earth Creationists and other groups to find evidence that contradicts the scientific consensus regarding evolution.
He also sceptically reviews his rather startling sighting (including a photo he captured) of a periscope-like object cutting through the surface of Lake Tele.
Finally, we finish with the opening chapter of his book: Drums Along the Congo... which depicts him enduring a very descriptive and humiliating, preparatory 'cleansing ritual' performed by a local witch doctor, viewed by curious onlookers, in some obscure village!
You can find Rory's excellent books here:
Drums Along The Congo: On The Trail Of Mokele-Mbembe, the Last Living Dinosaur - https://amzn.eu/d/25SCe7B
The Search for the Pink-Headed Duck - https://amzn.eu/d/14FOxwZ
Or go to: https://www.rorynugent.com/
Check out my Beastly Endeavours:
Read my Beastly Books:
BEASTS OF THE WORLD (VOL.1) Hairy Humanoids
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Beastly Theories (Ep.83) Adventures in Area X - with Brian Brown
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Join me as I chat with Brian Brown who has been active in the community of wood ape community, since he founded the Bigfoot Forums in 2002. He has created several podcasts - including The Bigfoot Show. Currently, he’s a member of the Wood Ape Research Group (WARG).
We talk about his big city origins and how he first began to consider the possibility that Bigfoot could be a real flesh and blood animal; the multi-denominational marketplace of competing theories in the bigfoot community, and whether there is something of a religious component to the myriad beliefs surrounding this creature, as well as his own theories on the taxonomic identity of the Wood Ape.
We also discuss his recent expedition in the notorious 'Area X' (an established and active Wood Ape territory in Oklahoma) that his group have been monitoring for several years and review some of the unnerving encounters that they have experienced with what appear to be large Hairy Hominids!
Later, Brian shares some of his bigfoot hunting tips and techniques, reveals what he believes to be the most plausible evidence for Bigfoot; and his aspirations for a future 'Big Reveal' that will help to classify these animals and protect their habitat!
You can find Brian on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/9six7/ and Twitter at https://twitter.com/9six7?s=20
Check out my Beastly Endeavours:
Read my Beastly Books:
BEASTS OF THE WORLD (VOL.1) Hairy Humanoids
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Beastly Theories (Ep.82) The Untold Story of Champ - with Robert Bartholomew
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Sunday Apr 16, 2023
Join me as I chat with Robert E. Bartholomew - American medical sociologist, journalist, Honorary Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychological Medicine at the University of Auckland (New Zealand), and author of my favourite lake monster book - The Untold Story of Champ: A Social History of America's Loch Ness Monster!
In addition to publishing more than 60 academic papers, he has written or co-written 16 popular science and skeptical non-fiction books. He writes for several newspapers and journals on sociological and fringe science topics, including Psychology Today, Skeptical Inquirer, and British magazines The Skeptic and Fortean Times.
Robert's expertise in fields such as - sociological phenomena, mass hysteria and mass psychogenic illness, combined with his objective disposition and interest in fringe phenomena; make him the perfect person to examine the denominational spectacle of communitarian cryptozoology with its myriad canons and creeds.
We discuss the family origins of his interest in Champ, as well as its folklore and history; and other similarly described lake monsters in the region.
Robert weighs in on my charge that the modern desperation for social content, leads some researchers to ‘exaggerate‘ their findings, and gives some candid advice to researchers about the trials and tribulations that can beset those who dedicate their lives to finding mystery animals.
Later, we talk about the problem cryptozoology has with the foundational theories of its forefathers being built upon as though they were fact; the protectionism many cryptozoologists exert around their research areas and evidence, and one of the most surprising chapters in his book, titled: Egos, Obsessions and the Quest for Fame: The Monster Hunters. Which aptly portrays the animosity and lack of cooperation that so often exists between many researchers.
The Untold Story of Champ... is just one of the awesome books that Robert has written - check them all out here!
(Note: there is a slight break in audio due to a storm that briefly passed over Robert's house. As it was not possible to edit this out, I hope that you will bear with this minor disruption)
Check out my Beastly Endeavours:
Read my Beastly Books:
BEASTS OF THE WORLD (VOL.1) Hairy Humanoids
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Beastly Theories (Ep. 81) Monsters of Patagonia - with Austin Whittall
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Join me for episode 81, as I chat with Argentinian author, Austin Whittall.
We talk about his ancient English forebears and the cultural composition that has shaped this part of the country and its folklore. The origins of its most famous lake monster - Nahuelito, and other similarly described lake monsters in the region and whether the Mapuche people's myth of the Cuero could be an as yet undescribed species of giant freshwater ray?
We critique recent viral footage of the Culebron, (a monster that is believed to inhabit Branco Lake) its subsequent, sea-lion identification, and the importance of eliminating all logical monster-imposter candidates, when investigating the extraordinary claims pertaining to the existence of cryptid creatures.
Later, we discuss tales of large birds and even a pterosaur-like animal in this region, historical reports of a Patagonian Hippo, the Patagonian Wildmen and his theories about the true identity of the Camahueto (Patagonian Unicorn).
Austin's book: Monsters of Patagonia (Monstruos de la Patagonia) is a fascinating deep dives into the subject of cryptozoology and offers a view into the folklore, fauna, history and cultures that have defined this peculiarly pristine part of South America.
Buy the book here: Monsters of Patagonia (Monstruos de la Patagonia) - https://amzn.eu/d/dhZklm4
If you would like to contact Austin to discuss your encounters or local legends of Patagonia please email: austinwhittall@gmail.com
Check out my Beastly Endeavours:
Read my Beastly Books:
BEASTS OF THE WORLD (VOL.1) Hairy Humanoids
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Beastly Theories (Ep.80) The Explorer - with Alex Brecher
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
In episode 80, I chat with Director - Alex Brecher to discuss his new documentary: - 'The Explorer'.
His documentary follows cryptozoologist Michel Ballot and his team on their journey into the heart of Africa to search for a mysterious sauropod-like creature, known as the Mokele-Mbembe.
Alex, describes the challenges involved in exploring this beautifully pristine and undeveloped part of the world, as well the dangers posed to life and limb, by insects, snakes, crocodiles, forest elephants and the heavily armed poachers who frequent the forest...
We talk about local knowledge of this strange beast, its dinosaurian appearance and whether it could even represent a species of outsized monitor lizard, as yet undiscovered!
Alex mysteriously alludes to new evidence being discovered by the team in the heart of the uncharted Nki area, on the aptly nicknamed: "Dinosaur Island", in the form of footprints and 'something else!'
I thoroughly enjoyed this documentary which really does deliver on every level and manages to invoke the spirit of exploration in the viewer!
Check out 'The Explorer' documentary on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/theexplorerfilm
Check out my Beastly Endeavours here: https://linktr.ee/beastsof
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Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Beastly Theories (Ep.79) Legacy Bigfoot - with Lauren Smith
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Join me as I chat with the awesome - Lauren Smith!
Lauren, is the host of the Nitecallers Bigfoot Radio show and a lifelong Bigfoot researcher.
Watch here: https://youtu.be/XG1ewhOjlgQ
We discuss her initiation into bigfooting as a child, after her mother became intrigued by the mystery, how she would attend so many conferences and expeditions that the bigfoot community became like family...and how she is now raising her own children in the same way, to pass on to them what she has learned.
We also chat about her pro-tips for tracking a bigfoot, the do's & don'ts of expeditions; and her close call with a few gun-toting vandals during a solo night-camp in a bigfoot hotspot!
As a bigfoot-lifer, Lauren has seen many theories, hoaxes, and researchers come and go, but believes that many of the new young bigfooters coming up, have a fresh new 'open-source' perspective on research that offers the best chance we have for a future with a discovered, classified and protected species of Bigfoot, in it!
Find Lauren here: https://www.nitecallersproductions.com/
Check out my other Beastly Endeavours, here:
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Beastly Theories (Ep. 78) T-Rex Tales - with Gary Opit
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Join me as I catchup with Naturalist, Cryptozoologist and living lexicon of Australian Fauna & Flora - Gary Opit; as we investigate the tales of a living T-Rex in the Aussie Outback!
Watch here: https://youtu.be/3TYJYJlJTXw
Listen to our interview here: Gary, expertly lays the foundation for the survival of these living fossils on the super continent of Gondwana which would have been unaffected by the mass extinction event in the northern hemisphere, that occurred when a meteor struck the Gulf of Mexico.
Going on to describe the nocturnal and predatory habits of this ferocious animal, he proposes that the lack of sightings surrounding it, could be likened to other ambush predators, who primarily hunt at night, go to great lengths to remain unseen by their prey and sleep for days at a time when digesting their protein rich prey!
Gary goes on to recount some harrowing encounters several witnesses have had with this imposing cryptid, including that of a couple being chased out of their campsite after disturbing one of the animals preying upon a cow and another witness, who describes observing one of the creatures, desperately clinging on to a tree and trumpeting like an elephant, before being swept away during a flood.
Is it possible that a surviving Therapod could remain undiscovered in 21st century Australia?
Sure it is! We must remember that this huge country has a landmass of 2.968 million mi², with a diminutive population of 26 million people, approximately 85% of whom live in its coastal cities, leaving plenty of room for a nocturnal predator to thrive!
Keeping these odds in mind, it is perhaps more curious that the creature is observed at all? Watch our interview here:
Find Gary Opit here: https://www.facebook.com/doolagarl/
Come to the Australian Cryptozoology Conference: https://www.stickytickets.com.au/quib8/australian_cryptozoology_conference_2023.aspx
Check out Rex & Heather Gilroy's book - https://www.mysteriousaustralia.com/Mysterious_Australia_Homepage.html
Check out my other Beastly Endeavours: https://linktr.ee/beastsof
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Beastly Theories (Ep.77) The Bigfoot Times - with Daniel Perez
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Beastly Theories (Ep.76) 401 Files - with Ben Walgate
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
Join me as I chat with Paranormal Investigator, Filmmaker and Fortean Artist - Ben Walgate!
Ben's initiation into fringe phenomena started as a child, when he and his family experienced years long poltergeist activity in their home.
At age 11, he encountered a black eyed reptilian in a forest, whilst on a school trip; and says that he has been hooked on investigating strange sightings and encounters ever since.
As an avid wild camper, he has dedicated much of his time to staking out alleged hotspots where the elusive British Bigfoot is said to roam! Ben shares tips and techniques for tracking Bigfoot, how to become one with your surroundings, and also weighs in on the controversial subject of stick structures!
Ben is the creator and host of the 401 Files, a thought provoking YouTube show investigating: UFOs, Ghosts, Bigfoot and even the paranormal - https://youtube.com/@401files4
Find Ben's Fortean Art, here - https://etsy.me/3O0oTcA
Check out my other Beastly Endeavours: https://linktr.ee/beastsof